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Hello! Welcome to the Retain4Gain Skool.
The goal of this skool is to help Men quit porn and masturbation addiction by mastering their sexual energy so they can go on to create meaningful relationships, reach financial freedom and lead meaningful lives filled with purpose and success
Millions of men try to quit porn each year but only a handful ever succeed which means millions of men are left in the dark living unproductive lives, fail to attract their dream girl, ruin their relationships with family + friends and even financial difficulty due to wasting money or not working on their business/job enough
This is because of the misinformation provided in the "nofap" community on places such as youtube and reddit
This is where Retain4Gain has entered to change things
We are a community of men who unlike others don't sit around crying about our streak
The streak isn't the end for us - we quit porn and redirect our sexual energy into creating 6-8 figure businesses or getting promoted in our jobs, we aspire to improve our relationships with women and family but more importantly go to sleep every single night knowing we are doing the best we can in our lives
We retain for gain - not meaningless streaks or validation
I will be adding some courses + resources to help everyone soon in the classroom section so be sure to keep your eyes out for that - I am extremely excited to share the R.E.T.A.I.N framework with you soon that has helped some people quit a 5 year addiction in as little as 1 week
To kick things off, please comment below introducing yourself. Let us know:
  1. Your name
  2. Where you are from
  3. Your goals - doesn't have to be related to quitting porn!
See you in the comments!
Zain Miah
Start Here!
A community of people reclaiming their freedom from the chains of porn & masturbation.
Quit porn. Get rich.Become Free.
Leaderboard (30-day)
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