I found this post on LinkedIn by one of our member and I though it was very profound
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Want to improve the traction of your advisory services? Here are two simple steps to help you get started.
Step 1: Ask better questions. To truly understand the problems your clients are facing, you need to ask better questions. Challenge them to think about why they are accepting their current situation. Check out this article for some great tips on crafting better questions.
Step 2: Build belief. It's important to show your clients that small changes can lead to big returns. Make sure they believe that a solution is possible, or they won't even try.
If you're interested in a free and simple calculator to show your clients how small changes can make a big difference, send me a message.
At Agendali.com, we're here to help you have better meetings.
Steve Mills
I found this post on LinkedIn by one of our member and I though it was very profound
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