Raising Millionaires
Public group
7 members
Welcome Parents!
Raising Millionaires is designed to help you to build wealth while teaching your kids financial literacy so they can enjoy all that financial freedom has to offer.
✅"Give Your Kids Financial Freedom" + Free Book
  • Course on setting up a 529, Roth IRA, Brokerage, and Cash Flow Life Insurance for your Kids
Value: $499
✅"101 Ways to Earn an Extra $1000 per Month" + Free Book
  • Ecommerce Course "One Man $500k Amazon Store"
Value: $499
✅"Raising Millionaires Workbook" + Free Book
  • 18 Activities you can do with your kids with checklists and videos
Value: $147
✅"Parents Guide to Financial Freedom" + Free Book
  • Course on how to set budgets, pay down debt, and invest for cash flow with online calculators and worksheets to help you succeed.
Value: $297
✅New Trainings each month to help teach your kids financial literacy with guides, videos, and discussion calls.
Value: $97
Total Value: $1,539 <--- Join us for FREE while the door is open and bring your friends!
Start Your Journey to Financial Freedom!
Raising Millionaires
For parents looking to raise financially literate kids.
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