Hey everyone - looks like we came in well below the 100,000 push-up goal for Push-Day 05.
Inside this community we have a bit over 100 members now, which is awesome. For Push-Day 05 we had just under 40 participants and we logged 13,500 push-ups.
While it may seem like a bummer, I really think it was actually a successful day, given it was our first attempt at doing it all within this community.
The old way we did it (simply submitting numbers on my website) was certainly “easier,” but there wasn’t much community that way.
I firmly believe that managing Push-Days through this Skool community will make this a much better experience for everyone. We’ll be able to literally interact with the team, made up of people from around the world.
All that said, what should our goal be for Push-Day 06 on June 30?
I’m thinking we set a push-up goal but also a goal of how many people we can get to participate.