Solving Y? Personal Y? Session 1 The Basics
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Solving Y? Personal Y? Session 1 The Basics
This course is designed to help individuals discover what their Y? is. Your Y? is much more than just a title, dollar amount, or anything else you have tied your identity to. Your Y? is what you get up to accomplish every day. Your Y? is what people will talk about at your funeral. Your Y? is your motivation. I have led many people through this course and each person has radically transformed their lives and have found deep meaningful purpose.
Solving Y? Personal Y? Session 2
Unlock at Level 2
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Solving Y? Personal Y? Session 2
Building Our System Topics 1 - Mind VS Brain 2 - Tools For Mental Health 3 - Mental + Physical Health Relatability 4 - Tools For Physical Health 5 - Spiritual Health
Solving Y? Personal Y? Session 3
Unlock at Level 3
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Solving Y? Personal Y? Session 3
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