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We will delete your Subscription 🚨
This isn't just a clickbait headline—it's the truth. But don't worry, there's more to come! :) We are changing our payment processor and, as a result, we will need to discontinue your current subscription on Skool. If you would like to continue being a member of the Native Ads Society, please initiate a new subscription here: +++++ As a bonus for making this change immediately, you'll receive a 60-minute 1:1 call with me, absolutely free! +++++ Additionally, we're increasing our prices to $149. Setting up your payment at the provided link will secure the original members' price for you for life. PS: We are currently adding a huge amount of new content that we'll be releasing over the weekend. It's a great time to remain a member! ❤️
New comment May 21
The Limited No-Brainer Offer is legit ✅
Dear community members, it seems that our offer sounds too good to be true to some of you, haha. However, in the attached video, you'll see confirmation that the new offer, which includes a 1:1 call with me, is legitimate. In the video, I also explain the reasoning behind this move.
New comment May 7
The Limited No-Brainer Offer is legit ✅
Where are you guys all from? I feel like I might be the only one from the US here?
New comment Apr 21
Frustration getting a Taboola campaign initiated
When I log into my Taboola account I end up on the Taboola Ads dashboard... I have a network account. I try to create a campaign and I receive this error message: (3)Error!Currently you do not have permission to access this account (), or it does not exist. I reached out to Taboola support and received this reply: "We would like to inform you that in order to run campaigns with us, you need to create an advertiser account. Currently, you have a publisher account." OK, I get that. But how do you sign up for an advertiser account?
New comment Mar 26
Hi everyone, Paul here from Melbourne, AU. Been doing affiliate marketing since 2012 - 2016. I had to stop because nothing was getting approved in 2016 so I started a digital marketing agency. I tried running affiliate offers again in 2020 on Meta and Google with no success. No I'm dedicated to just stick to Taboola and Outbrain. I know alot of affiliate tracking, advertorials etc but I want to learn from experts already running affiliate offers on Taboola and Outbrain. Thanks!
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Native Ads Society 🟣
Learn everything about native advertising with Taboola and Outbrain. Join a great community for E-Com, Arbitrage and Lead-Generation. By PurpleBlack.
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