Project 2740
Private group
28 members
$499 /month
Business is simple, not easy!
At Project 2740 we use our "5WH" system that has been crafted to stop overthinking and start doing.
What | Why | When | Where | Who | How
Simplify everything about you, your offer, and your clients.
Meet your coaches, Adam and Tom, who will guide you through:
Adam focuses on the 5W's:
➔ What you actually sell
➔ Why people need you
➔ When they need you
➔ Where your clients are
➔ Who has your money and motivation
Using the 5W's, you'll learn How to:
➔ Prospect with confidence
➔ Nurture conversations effectively
➔ Set purposeful appointments
➔ Close deals by listening
Tom ensures execution by helping you:
➔ Identify sabotaging behaviors
➔ Master attention management
➔ Overcome limiting beliefs
"Simple Scales. Fancy Fails."
With this understanding and technique, no obstacles will stand in your way.
Are you going to think about it or do about it?
Join our community today!
Project 2740
Project 2740: Empowering Start-Over Business Owners to Become Wealthy CEOs – In This Community CEO is a Verb and Wealth is a State of Being.
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