Everyday is a blessing*
First of all I am grateful
I woke up because life is so very short
Ran a few early whatnots
Got a 100 00 tip at opening of 1 show
Blessed by a dear friend
The AC in my main warehouse was finally really repaired after a month of Tom foolery during the hottest months of the year here
I have a dear reseller friend that I wish I could just deliver in person but can't drive there right now..
It will need to be shipped
They need some stock from me that I don't want
got tons of it with military extensions that surround me..
In 3 years of acquiring several pieces I probably sold 3 units.
Invested in it because I saw a guy on eBay with a all camo store selling hand over fist...
So I invest about 300.00 total I would venture to say
I have marked it down like the crack sale ,run it on whatnot about 3 years ago at 5.00 opening bid..sold zero.
It just will not sell for me
In a storage auction I acquired a 1960s brand new military fly boy jacket I thought was a security guard jacket and listed it at 600.00 after I researched it thinking it was worth 70 bucks before the research was done.
You hear me say this repeatedly
Being a reseller takes research that is key
Today after 2 whatnot shows zero sales but a 100 00 tip
Then Listing on the bay
I really needed to buy something for no reason
Don't need to spend any money on any more stock unless I make a bins run
I hate the nasty dirty bins
I decide to run to an old Christian donation store
To get some dirt cheap graphic tees to run a whatnot show like my friend.
Maybe I will catch something on the way
1 hour before that store closes
I head that way
I pass 2 yard sale signs
I'm like ...don't think I have any cash on me as I don't carry cash alot
Maybe I can catch a few 50 cent graphic tees?
I pass this one corner house on a main drag
Been there before a year ago
Picked up a ton of new tyedye hoodies and tees 50 cents each
Sold those out pretty quick you know
I drive around the block
It's hot as fire
Park on narrow boulevard with flashers
I know I don't have but pennies on me don't even want to check cash count
Hop out
Same 2 nice southern ladies that were there last time
I blaze thru with the eyes before anyone shows up
Hoping no one does so I can scope it out rapidly and not miss a beat
Go thru a rack find 1 def leopard band tee ..
I scope and under a big table is a grody plastic bin no top
I hate it because it won't sell for me
I pick 1 piece up it unfolds
It's a camo new without tags one piece jumpsuit
New might work for me
And jumpsuit is usually good money used 100 00 not camo
I really don't want that damn camo I tell ya
I ask the lady
How much is this thing?
I could use it to work on my car really handy item
I pick up a jacket new without tags camo lined hoodie heavy
How much is this?
I get down low and quickly see all the rest are folded
About 30 pieces of military
I see 1 with tags new
1 in a bag new
I'm going thru this like I'm shuffling playing cards in a big box without taking them out
I back up
I say so what do you want for this whole box?
I said it's a bit musty
She says yes roof leak was in attic
I said ok
She says it was all his it's all military stuff
I said ok
She says
10 bucks
I said you take pay pal?
I'm like if I leave that junk is gone gone I'm thinking
How do I pull 10 bucks out of the air?
I told her let me look and see if I have any cash real quick
I casually go to the car
I find some 1 dollar bills in another spot I have quarters another's doot I have dimes nickels and pennies...
I hate change always have
Counting out on seat fast as I can
Got 10 bucks
You believe it?
I go to her and say I can't believe I have 10 bucks when I didn't think I had any cash
I count it out for her in coins and dollars
She says thank you
I told her I had this black shirt too tho
She says 50 cents
I said hold on I might have that!
Walk 15 steps to vehicle now I'm playing with really small change I know couldn't be a dollar
I have her money!
I go back and pay her in hand full of mostly pennies
She responds thanks
Then I grab the stuff like the fire sale and heavy as heck load it in vehicle
I go back and see a huge Plano beige box
I mean huge
Had a bunch of stuff in top compartments and real dirty
I said how much is this box?
She says 2.00
I know I don't have 2.00
I go back to vehicle and get all that left of small change
I had 2.20
I gave it all to her
Said thank you
Got my giant Plano with all the secret compartments and trays etc
Never seen one that big
Told her thank you
She said same to me
I smiled and said you blessed my day my friend
I wish you lots of sales
I roll because I have to make this store for some reason
I get there 6 minutes of closing
That camo stuff reaks
Jump out
Hot parking in front
There's a miracle right there
Roll in there like thunder
Hit shorts
Look around room quick with eye scan
Go to mens in back room
Finger racksike the yellow pages
Pull 4 hot tees big money
Go to back warehouse where I know tons of graphic tees are
None there
Go to giant 1.00 rack
Already 2 elderly ladies said we close in 1 minutes
I said ok
I let my fingers do the walking like the speed of light
There's something I have to buy for some reason???
I grab n go found 10 graphic tees
I go to the counter 3 more older ladies say you know we are closed
I said so sorry but may I still purchase I am ready
Of course you may
I throw a pile on the counter
Have 9 elderly women around me
The first bangers I picked up in mens room I was told were on sale half price..
At the counter they were not and they turned the big front door sign around!
I said ok I do not wish to buy those..
All these others were from the back rack in the warehouse
1.00 each
You have 12.00
Perfect I run my commercial card
I thank them for a blessed day and being kind as I was last customer but fast
Throw pile in car
I go get a bite
I go to my big warehouse
I start looking at a few stinky military clothes
4 New with tags?
1 in sealed bag??
The rest folded neatly except 2
The 2 have a name in them. Used for sure
I take 2 in the warehouse to spray with Lysol
Their just mint
I see something
I go back and look at few more
I said nooooo
I am carefully removing each one trying not to let it touch my seats because some are musty
I don't want the germs in my vehicle
I said nooooo way
I take 3 pieces in the warehouse
2 with tags
1 without
Big heavy stuff you know
I put each one on a hanger
Spraying with my Lysol mixture
Every bit
Never seen it before in person
All new but 2 pieces
I don't have to look it up
I already knew what it was worth by heart 5 years ago
Because I researched it thoroughly why Patagonia to the military and why the pieces are so valuable ..
Being a reseller takes research it is key
I do not like camo
But I love this camo today
For I am blessed
With pennies from heaven I still don't know where that money comes from
Swore I had 2.00 cash
Something worried me to death I had to buy and I don't need anymore stock!
I took the military items without a tag to the Washateria immediately
Guarded them
Took them partially damp back to the warehouse before it locks down
Got in time to unload in a hurry
Only minutes left
Hung all of it up just staring at it going what????
Sprayed them with Lysol again
Ran another whatnot show in my overtime zero sales
Decided this day was over
I did my 15 hours
Thank you Lord for another blessed day
Good night all
My day is done
I wish for each and every one of you to be blessed like me each and every day some way some how
Most all be
Red West
Everyday is a blessing*
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