How's your New Account Onboarding experience?
  • Capturing the client data
  • Sending for signatures
  • Processing the forms
  • Sending to the custodian/insurance
If you have more than a few advisors, this process can become pretty cumbersome.
Enter Forms Logic, a data first company that happens to put that data on forms.
I recently met Rick Burgess, the owner, and it was quite an interesting conversation and challenged some of my views on which platform has the most accurate data.
  • The most accurate data is typically not in the CRM, its on the last, best form... but... that data from the form should get synced to the CRM.
Happy to announce Forms Logic as a new vendor partner. Message me if you'd like to learn more or visit the website to schedule a demo.
Joe Moss
How's your New Account Onboarding experience?
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