Financial Planning Features
For those of you who have now or are considering a Financial Planning product, such as eMoney, RightCapital, or one of the many others, what features/functions would you look for to aid you in making a decision?
Here is a list of some in no particular order:
  • Budgeting/Expense tracking tools
  • Data Aggregation with retail banks
  • Data Aggregation with brokers/custodial institutions
  • Data Aggregation with common consumer debt (Mortgages, Student Loans, HELOC's, etc.)
  • Investment Tracking
  • Net worth reporting
  • Goal Setting
  • Monte Carlo Simulations
  • Back testing
  • Roth Conversion Logic
  • Social Security Optimization
  • Insurance Planning
  • Risk Assessment
  • Behavioral Analysis Tools
  • Mobile Apps
  • Client Portal
  • Tax Planning
  • CRM Integration
  • Document Management
  • Multi-currency support
Which of these do or do not resonate with you? And what would you add to this list?
James Cantwell
Financial Planning Features
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