May 31 (edited) in General discussion
Do you even like attending webinars?
It seems like one of the main tools in advisortech marketing is the webinar, joint webinar, webinar with an expert, video podcast, you-name-it.
But recently someone asked me, "Do advisors even like attending webinars?"
Someone with a pretty big email list that's been doing webinars for years said his registrations used to be around the 700 mark, but now are typically in the low 100s. My own attendance rates average about 35%
Personally, I register for webinars if the topic is interesting, and then typically only attend if I'm not busy at the time. They're a pretty low priority. I prefer to learn in the moment - an article, a YouTube video, a demo on a website, etc.
So how about you, what's your take?
I go to webinars to avoid doing work :)
I really enjoy webinars and typically attend if I've registered
I register just to get the reminders and then watch the recording if its still of interest
I don't register for or attend webinars - total waste of time
Webinars are like any other kind of marketing - the better they are, the better they do
Other (comment below)
31 votes
Joe Moss
Do you even like attending webinars?
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