Pro Point Catching Elite
Private group
27 members
$37 /month
🔴 Price jumps to $44 soon!
🔴 100% 14 day money-back guarantee - No questions asked
This community is in BETA stage. You have the opportunity to gain early access/ secure $37/mo
Here’s what you’ll get IMMEDIATELY inside the community:
✅ FULL 'Drop Your Poptime' Program responsible for helping over 200 catchers shave .1 (OR MORE)
✅ Extremely detailed 3 Month RECEIVING Masterclass - From noob to D1
✅ Extremely detailed 3 Month BLOCKING Masterclass - From noob to D1
✅ Weekly group calls w/ ME
Here’s what you can expect to be released during BETA stage:
✅ 3 Month Mobility/ R.O.M Program
✅ 3 Month 60-yard Dash Accelerator Program
✅ 3 Month Velocity Accelerator Program
Comprehensive Training Programs for
✅ Fall
✅ Off-Season
✅ Pre-Season
✅ In-Season
✅ Summer
This program is being built to provide value to catchers at every step in their journey
Join now 👉
Price will increase with each program added during Beta
🔴 Cancel any time, no long-term commitment
PS. No-brainer deal with annual pricing ;)
Pro Point Catching Elite
Pro Point Catching Elite Academy
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