Precision Intuition Academy
Private group
8 members
$22 /month
This is a Spiritually based community designed to Transform & Support the Feminine Collective. Rebuilding the Feminine collective is Humanities greatest chance at preservation.
The focus is removing mental and emotional blockages, subconscious reprogramming & intuitive development using a multitude of modalities.
🔹️Weekly Intuition Challenges
🔹️RoundTable Readings
🔹️Live Q & A
🔹️Happy Hour Tea Time
🔹️Intuitive Development Group Exercises
Over my 15 years of study and 8 years of service, I've witnessed far too many women and men, suffering in a debilitating loop of self sabotage, repeated failures in love & life, poverty, loss of confidence, low self esteem and no sense of value/worth resulting in desperate behavior.
"How did I get here?"
"Whats wrong with me?"
"How do I get out?"
You are designed to prosper. Prosperity is your natural state of Being.
Healing Starts NOW.
This is YOUR community. You're not alone.
Join Us.
Precision Intuition Academy
Gain spiritual connection & precision intuition so that all decisions BIG or small are made easy. No more feeling lost, stuck or confused. Get Intuit.
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