TTG Coaching
Private group
24 members
$147 /month
Welcome 🤝
So you want to gain strength but ALSO look like you lift? MAYBE you’re in an offseason and want to put on size? Join up & let’s work on adding weight to the barbell and muscle to your frame. This blend of powerlifting and bodybuilding training ensures you get the best of both worlds with my 9 years of experience in the strength game. The power to lift heavier with the definition to look better and feel more confident.
Here, you'll get:
➡️A custom program via CoachRX that’s updated weekly by me
➡️Monthly challenges & weekly zoom calls
to keep you on track
➡️Tips and guidance from myself and the 9 years of experience I have in the industry
➡️Resources to optimize your training, nutrition, and recovery.
➡️A supportive and motivated community of like-minded lifters.
Whether you're a seasoned lifter or just starting your journey, this community is dedicated to helping you achieve your goals and reach new PRs. Let's put some work in.
Group is capped at 30.
TTG Coaching
A driven community offering tailored programs that seamlessly blend strength and aesthetics for ultimate power and physique development.
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