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Free Online Course: Helping Your Child/Student Manage Anger
Coming in July 2024 free Online Course designed to help parents, educators, and caregivers support children in managing their anger. This course provides practical strategies and activities to teach children how to express their emotions healthily and constructively with support and guidance on implementing it at home.. Course Overview: There will be 6 sections beginning with Understanding Anger ending with combining strategies & Creating a Plan that sticks., Each section includes a - Video Lesson: - Reflection Activity: - Discussion Forum Module 1: Understanding Anger Module 2: Using Words to Express Feelings Module 3: Walking Away from Anger Module 4: Asking for Space Module 5: Breathing Exercises for Calmness Module 6: Combining Strategies and Creating a Plan Final Assessment and Certification
How to get your child/student to accept 'No"
check out the classroom for your free strategy on how to get child no matter what age to accept no without freaking out!!
What are the 3 current behavior challenges your dealing with this week?
Please list 3 of your current challenges this week and get some solutions to help deal with them..
What are the 3 current behavior challenges your dealing with this week?
Share Your Funniest Experience: What Did You Say to Get Your Child to Listen, Focus, or Stop What They Were Doing?
Instructions: Parents, we’d love to hear from you! Please share a funny experience where you had to say something to get your child to listen, focus, or stop what they were doing. Here’s how you can participate: 1. Answer the Question: Share your funniest or most memorable experience. 2. Introduce Yourself: Provide a brief introduction about you and your family. 3. Share a Challenge: Mention something you’re hoping to get help with regarding your child. We look forward to reading your stories and supporting each other with advice and encouragement!
Parenting Out Loud: Embracing the Journey with Humor and Support
. Welcome to the Parenting Out Loud Community! Welcome! We're thrilled to have you join us in empowering parents to create consistent positive change through humor, personal stories, expert advice, personalized strategies, and much more. I am so happy and excited for you to be a part of this group's beginning. Our Mission Parenting Out Loud is a safe space for parents, caretakers, teachers, and more to share strategies, stories, solutions, and feedback to help navigate the daily challenges of raising an "out of the box" child. Whether your child is gifted, above average, outgoing, struggles with focus, ADHD, or any other unique trait, this community is here to support you. What You Can Expect - Safe Space: Say anything you want without judgment. Share your real thoughts and hilarious solutions for your child's behavior. - No Complaints Zone: This isn't a place for complaints or criticism. Every post should include a question or a solution to foster positive change. - Community Events: Look forward to events, guest speakers, games, challenges, and prizes. - Personalized Guidance: Opportunities to work one-on-one with experts, receive personalized strategies, and get expert advice. Group Guidelines 1. Share Funny Stories: Share humorous experiences about managing your child's behavior. 2. Ask for Help: Seek advice from parents around the world. 3. Venting: Let out your frustrations and truths about parenting in a supportive environment. 4. Self-Care: Learn how to prioritize self-care amidst parenting challenges. 5. Expert Advice: Gain insights from experts and personalized interventions. 6. Positive Change: Focus on solutions and positive change for now and the future. Daily Participation Every day, share one positive and one negative thought about your child. Then, either ask the community for help or share a solution for positive change. Final Thoughts We believe in creating positive change through listening, learning, and consistency. This group will help you enjoy your child more and find fun, stress-free ways to manage parenting challenges. Share your thoughts, ideas, feelings, struggles, and successes openly. Remember, the only rule is to say it, ask for help, then live in the solution and replace the negative with a positive.
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Parenting Out Loud
Share , Discover, Connect and Laugh with personal stories, experiences, and solutions to managing your child's behavior w/o losing it completely.
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