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Monthly 1-on-1s!
Group QA calls are great, but if you have something you want to discuss in depth — something that needs followup questions, for instance — they can be lacking. I don't want this group to be lacking! So, I'm starting up monthly 1-on-1s! Once a month you can have a 1-hour chat with me about anything AI. Whether it's getting questions answered, showing me project prompts/code you need help with, book a discussion and I'll do my best to help you. Basically, free consulting! From an actual consultant, too. Book here -> limit = once per month per person, resets on the first of each month Hope to see you there! (I may have to restrict booking to certain days at some time in the future, and obviously this won't be able to last as we reach higher and higher scales (Eventually it will be an unlockable at a certain level) but for now everything goes)
New comment Jul 2
Weekly Support/QA Calls!
I want the AI dev club to provide more value to you all, and to help you bring your projects to life. Courses are fine and all, but personalized help can go a long way. Enter, QA calls every Saturday at 2:00 PM, Pacific Time! If you have a project you're building, a question about prompting or training or datagen, or you just want to hang out, this will be a great chance to get ahead! I'm scheduling the first such call for July 6th. It'll likely be a zoom call. I hope to see you there! Let me know what you think of this initiative, too. Also, we're at 18 members after like our first week, which is really awesome! Glad you're all here 🙂
New comment Jul 7
Welcome! Share your project?
Welcome to the AI Developers Club! I'm happy you're here in this high-SNR, developers-focused AI group. Here, in addition to talking about the cool stuff we're building, we help each other resolve tough problems — dependencies, OOMs, bad/no documentation, obscure bugs, scraping woes, you name it. We shouldn't have to bleed time, just because we use cutting-edge technology. This place is meant to be practical, tactical, and authentic. Focused on code and development, over "AI tools" and buzzwords. I hope you enjoy learning, sharing, and meeing cool people here! Please introduce yourself in the comments below — here are some starter questions if you want some, uh, *prompting*. Ha. - What are you building/investigating with AI right now? - What part of AI do you want to learn about the most? - What do you use AI for most in your work/life? I love to see people talking about the cool stuff they're building. Please share your project by posting about it! And maybe introduce yourself too? Once you share your passion, consider saying 'hi' to one or two people in the comments 🙂
New comment Jun 27
🚀 Join Us for the Swarms Marketplace Launch Event! 🚀
The Swarms Corporation are thrilled to announce the launch of the Swarms Marketplace – a groundbreaking platform designed to share and discover prompts, agents, and tools like never before! 📅 Date: Monday, August 5, 2024 ⏰ Time: 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM (GMT-04:00, New York) 🔗 Event Link: What to Expect: 🌟 Why We're Building This Platform: Discover the vision and mission behind the Swarms Marketplace and why it stands out in the AI ecosystem. 🌟 Unique Features: Learn about the innovative features that make this marketplace a game-changer. 🌟 Adding Prompts, Agents, and Tools: Get a step-by-step guide on how to contribute to the marketplace and make the most of its resources. 🌟 Discovering Resources: Find out how to search, rate, and review prompts, agents, and tools effectively. 🌟 Q&A Session: Engage with our founder, Kye Gomez, and other key team members to get your questions answered. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to be part of the future of AI collaboration and innovation. This is your chance to see firsthand how the Swarms Marketplace can transform the way you work with AI agents. 👉 Register Now: Let’s build the future of AI together! 💡
🚀 Join Us for the Swarms Marketplace Launch Event! 🚀
LLMs without MatMul..
On the weekly QA call I mentioned that I had read about work being done to develop an LLM architecture that doesn't rely on massive amounts of matrix multiplication. I only peripherally understand the concept but it certainly seems like groundbreaking work, so I wanted to introduce it here for anyone who's interested. Here is the article I read, if you have access to substack. And here's a link to the paper, if you would like to see the original publication. It would be great to hear other members' takes on this concept...
New comment Jul 27
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AI Developers' Club
No BS technical group. Get consistent results from cheap LLMs, Train models, Understand what you're doing, Get expert help doing it.
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