Roast Money Morning
Private group
32 members
We help full-time young professionals improve their sleep and transform their lives.
This is a Skool community to help full-time young professionals improve their sleep quality, leading to greater productivity, better time management, and financial freedom.
The core of this community is to join in on a group Zoom meeting once per week with an accountability partner, or me to ensure you're waking up and getting that beauty sleep. If you do not meet the standards mentioned below, you will be removed.
✅ Full-time young professionals who want a natural performance-enhancing drug
✅ Want to improve their sleep quality
✅ Can commit to holding themselves to a high standard.
❌ Young professionals who stay in research mode and don't implement actionable steps
❌ Can’t commit to high standards.
❌ Want to make excuses and not take action.
If this is you, and want to know how to get in on this, come join in, the party is just about to start!
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Roast Money Morning
It's my job to find as much as you out there to wake the F*(K UP!! (But nicely)
Let's connect and see everyone's sunrise together
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