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Beginner to Your First $1000 Trading🚀
If you’re a beginner, here’s a few steps I recommend you take to get to your first $1000 in Trading 1. Learn The Trading Basics 📚 Gotta learn the foundational things that you’ll need to start trading in the markets Basics to Learn 1. What is the stock market? 2. What is Trading? 3. What are Futures? 4. How do I Trade Futures? I recommend beginners learn how to trade futures instead of options to learn FASTER 2. Pick A 🔥 Trading Platform This is basically your bank account that you trade from & look for💰making opportunities Here’s the Platforms I recommend: 1. Tradovate (enter trading positions) 2. TradingView (chart for💰opportunities) You don’t need both but I recommend it to make trading simpler for you starting out 3. Pick a Trading Strategy 📊 This is a plan used to find and enter trading positions that can make you money. The Strategy that I use is called “The Strat” How to Trade the Strategy 1. Learn what the Strategy is 2. How to Enter Trades using the Strategy 3. How to Exit Trades using the Strategy 4. Make a Demo Trading Account 5. Start Practicing using The Strategy If you want to learn my trading strategy for access the Free Course in the “classroom” section 4. Pick Your Starting Amount 🧐💵 How much are you going to start trading with? How Much do I Need - Start with $500-$1000 - Bare minimum, start with $150 to $200 - Deposit the Money in your Account Start out small when you first start out; don’t focus on making money, focus on the skill 5. Start Trading Live 💻📊 You’ve dialed in your strategy from practicing trading, now you’re going to trade live in the real markets still using the same strategy Trading Live 1. Risk 5-10% of your account per day 2. Enter Trades based on your Strategy 3. Exit Trades based on your Strategy 4. Review your Trades & Document them 5. Keep Learning. Keep Practicing. Grow Start out small when you first start out; don’t focus on making money, focus on the skill
New Content Coming! 😎
What's good family! Right now I'm brainstorming and building out new content to help you guys out in your trading But first I wanted to know where is everybody at in their journey? Comment on the poll below ⬇️
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New comment Mar 8
New Content Coming! 😎
Futures Trading Course?
I've been trading for close to half a decade now, and I've traded Options, Forex, and Futures I will say, the best and easiest one to trade has been Futures by far Options will always be my baby, but I think Futures is extremely powerful for you all to learn - There's no greeks - The profit per contract is better (so my small account traders can eat off that) - And it's easier to manage risk (aka avoid losing) Do y'all want me to drop a futures trading guide for you all to learn? P.S. I'm also doing live futures trading sessions where I'm starting with ~$300 and growing that to a couple thousand inside of the Premium Community if you all wanted to get apart of that
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If you Fear Failure, you Fear Success
Shout out to Tiara for commenting under this post, definitely wanted to highlight this concept Fear of Failure is Fear of Success.... but why though?🤔 Fear of Failure = Fear of Correction 🫠 Perfection is flawless and is correct in all forms Failure is flawed and incorrect When you fail, you make a mistake or an error But there's a beautiful thing that happens after you make that error You have the chance to learn from that mistake and get a lesson out of it Fear of Failure = Fear of Learning 📚 If you don't learn, you are complacent and dying! If you aren't learning, you are growing and getting better... meaning you're getting worst Fear of Failure = Fear of Growth 💪🏽 If you fear growth, then you fear EVERY SINGLE desire that you have inside of you In order for you to reach your dreams you HAVE to grow If you want to reach your goals, you must get better Fear of Failure = Fear of Getting Better 📈 If you aren't getting better as a Trader If you aren't getting better as an Investor If you aren't getting better for yourself or your family... Then you aren't successful... or at least at the level of success that you desire Fear of Failure = Fear of Success 🌀 If you're goal is to make an extra $1k to $10k per month from Trading Embrace those failures along the way to achieving your goal the SAME way you embrace the goal itself Instead of fearing failure... accept it and embrace it So that you can accept and embrace success when you win 😎
Hold onto the Idea of Your Trading Success
If you all didn't see my reel I posted today, my mentor told me something that I applied to my trading “Having the idea that something is gonna happen is more important than knowing how to do it” - Trap Focus on the vision and that is where you will go 💯 Focus on the past, that’s where you will go 💯 The future is forward, so if you focus on the past, you are no longer going forward, you’re going towards the thing you are trying to avoid I did a class in High Performance Trading and I defined Anxiety as: - Wasting present energy on a future outcome that's undesirable to me If you are not where you want to be as a trader, you are focusing on the wrong things and you have to eliminate that negative focus to eliminate negative emotions you have when trading💯 Link to Video:
New comment Feb 19
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