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Welcome with much love!
Here are the English and German introductory videos, in that order. Glad you're here! 🙂
Welcome with much love!
Zoom Workout Tomorrow
Hello everyone, tomorrow we will have a Zoom Group Workout at 12:00. Check your calendars and if you are free, join us. You do not need any special equipment, only yourself, water and good vibes. :-) The zoom link is here in the app in calendar. :-) See you tomorrow, Lajos
Vote below 🙂
Have a good start of the week! Get after it! 😎 Are you up for a live zoom workout soon? 💪
5 members have voted
Motivation Monday
“The battles that count aren’t the ones for gold medals. The struggles within yourself – the invisible, inevitable battles inside all of us – that’s where it’s at.” —Jesse Owens Have a good start of the week! 🙂
This will not make you successful...
While online courses offer valuable knowledge and insights, simply purchasing one won't automatically catapult you to success. Here's why: 1. Action is Key: Buying an online course is just the first step. Success comes from consistent action and implementation of what you've learned. It's like owning a recipe book but never actually cooking. You need to roll up your sleeves and get into the kitchen to see results. 2. Daily Commitment: Mastery doesn't happen overnight. You need to commit time every day to engage with the course material, practice, and refine your skills. Even dedicating just 15 minutes a day can make a significant difference over time. 3. Quality of Questions: Success often hinges on the quality of questions you ask yourself. Instead of just consuming content passively, challenge yourself to ask better questions. For instance, when faced with obstacles, ask, "What is the gift in this situation?" or "What is great about this?" Shifting your mindset can uncover opportunities and solutions you might have overlooked. 4. Mindset Matters: Your mindset shapes your actions and ultimately your outcomes. A growth mindset, characterized by resilience and a willingness to learn from failures, is essential for success. Rather than viewing setbacks as failures, see them as opportunities for growth and learning. 5. Know Your Why: Understanding your motivation, your "why," is crucial for staying committed and overcoming challenges. Whether it's to advance your career, pursue a passion, or achieve personal growth, clarifying your purpose will fuel your determination and keep you on track, especially when the going gets tough. In essence, buying or having an online course is just the beginning of your journey. To truly succeed, you must pair knowledge with action, commit to daily practice, and cultivate a positive mindset. So, go ahead, invest in that course, but remember, your success lies in what you do with it. Move Well and Have Fun, Lajos
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Performance Powerhouse
Designed specifically for beginners, this course nurtures your foundation, making you stronger and smarter in your approach towards movement.
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