Week One of Scaling the Titan
I’m thrilled to share a recent milestone in my personal sales development journey!
I successfully secured a meeting with a Fortune 500 company after overcoming numerous objections. The process was challenging and rewarding and took me about 6 months of patience and sales follow up.
From the outset, the potential client had concerns about our product's scalability and integration capabilities. We highlighted case studies demonstrating our successful collaborations with similar large enterprises, emphasizing our proven track record and after 6 months, (where some months felt like faith alone), we finally had out first (of probably a couple dozen) meetings and it was optimistic!
After that meeting my Sales Mgr. gave me my first 5 star review at my current company and he doesn't give those often in our performance reviews. So i'm stoked to see what else I can do. Momentum breeds momentum and since I originated the largest company my company could reasonably expect to obtain as a potential customer, it feels like there is NO customer that's too big for me to go after.
I'm ready. Let the mountains quake with fear.
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Andrew Smith
Week One of Scaling the Titan
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