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Weekly LinkedIn Live Event is happening in 5 days
We Hear You Guys! (Loom Video Below) :)
Hey everyone, I recently received an email from one of our users with some great feedback that I wanted to share and address. If you have any feedback on the platform, chances are this user covered it! I've addressed all his points and provided some insights on what's coming next. :) Here's the loom video that I recorded for him that I wanted to share with you all: ⬇️ Happy Friday! Cole Gonzales CEO, OSSA.AI @Colewherld on Social Media (7 million+ followers)
New comment 7h ago
We Hear You Guys! (Loom Video Below) :)
Quick Update: The OSSA.AI Team is Growing - FAST
Hey OSSA.AI fam! Quick updates for you: You may have noticed I have been a creating a little less content than normal as of late. We've been growing fast! We just hit 55,000 users in under 5 months. We're adding new team members: - Another full-stack engineer - A video editor - A social media manager We also just brought on a industry leader known as Frank Ramos. He is our Technical Product Manager and has built the base frameworks for some of the largest platforms in the world. Why is this good news? More engineers = cooler features, faster. New video and social media manager = more time for me to create free stuff for you. That means more tutorials, guides, and livestreams to help you succeed. I am looking forward to interviewing more successful users, creating long-form youtube videos, etc. No livestream this week though. I'm focused on getting the new team members settled in. Once that's done, I'll be back to creating more free value for our community. Welcome to all the new community members! There is so much I want to share with you guys through videos I will be creating over the next few months. Thank you for making this journey so incredible for my team and I. :) Happy creating! Cole Gonzales CEO, OSSA.AI @Colewherld on Social Media (7 Million+ Followers)
New comment 2d ago
From Beta to 50,000 Users… in 4 months.
In just 4 months, OSSA.AI has surpassed 50,000 users. We are incredibly grateful for the outstanding community we are building together! OSSA.AI started with an idea. Then it turned into an MVP Next was a closed beta After that, we instantly sold our first 150 paid early access spots Not long after, influencers started talking about us And after 4 months of grinding, we broke 50,000 users... an accomplishment most start-ups never hit. We are extremely grateful. Thank you for trusting us! Expect us to continue delivering on our word. 😎 If you would like to know more about the team behind OSSA.AI, you can read about each member on our new /about-us page
New comment 7d ago
From Beta to 50,000 Users… in 4 months.
AI-Editing (New Feature Coming Soon) 🤯
I'll keep this short.. 1. Read this post: 2. Register for the LinkedIn Event at 10am PST tmr. 3. Attend the live event at 10am PST. I am going to reveal a feature that has been long in the works. We will be rolling this feature out within the next couple weeks. You guys are gonna want to see this. :) Creativity wins. All the best, Cole Gonzales CEO, OSSA.AI @Colewherld on Social Media
New comment 9d ago
Join Our Live Discussion with Ben Murray: The Father of SaaS Finance
Hey OSSA.AI fam, Today, I will be joined by Ben Murray, a mentor to our team and widely recognized as the father of SaaS finance. While our conversation will focus on finance and business, I wanted to invite all of you to join us. This session will give you insight into how we are strategically approaching the next steps to continue providing value to the community. We hope to see you all there on LinkedIn at 12 PM PST! You can register here: All the best, Cole Gonzales CEO, OSSA.AI @Colewherld on Social Media
Join Our Live Discussion with Ben Murray: The Father of SaaS Finance
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OSSA.AI Academy (early access)
Access the Short-Form Mastery Course by @Colewherld and connect with like-minded individuals. Weekly LinkedIn calls every Wednesday at 12PM PST.
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