I grew up with frequent arguments and spankings, For 13 years that's ALL I knew. In the first few months of my partner and I's relationship, I thought we were going good... (That was obviously just the honeymoon phase) Five months in however, all our triggers unveiled themselves and no longer could our true personality hold us back. We started arguing. It was a painful and confusing period, at times I thought it was the end. But love perseveres 💪 We started working on ourselves, side by side. Don't get me wrong, it was NOT. A skate in the park, Of course the petty arguments still popped up here and there. That's because progress is SLOW. 99% of the time, you're breaking something down and replacing it with something better. When it feels like all hope is lost, remember, you might just still be breaking down your old ways. Don't lose sight of the light at the end of the tunnel, keep pushing no matter what!