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An exclusive community for Educational Creators committed to networking, monetizing, and growing on 𝕏 (Twitter) in a way that improves the lives of thousands.
Get instant access to all these exclusive courses and events:
- New $150+ value courses dropped every single month
- Exclusive network of ambitious skilled Creators to build and grow alongside
- $500 value in courses instantly available (Purpose, branding, writing, productivity, mindset...)
- One live call every single week to give you instant custom support (so you're never left confused about what to do)
- Monthly Masterclasses with the biggest Creators on X (Dan Koe, Dakota Robertson, Taylin Simmonds, etc...)
- Systems to manage your brand, content, and life purpose so you never feel overwhelmed by information again
If you want to become a Purpose-Based Creator who finally gets the results you deserve. X Order is the community to help you achieve that.