OCD is spending WAY to much time in the head..So we need to do things to get back in the body
"Did i say the right thing.. what if i hurt someone..what if my hands are clean..that person is attractive what if im gay? "
These are all just thoughts that occur in the head. When we get caught up too much in thoughts and thinking then we are not in our bodies, not in the present moment. You can see it with other people when you realize that there not really there, maybe you are talking to someone and they have just "drifted off into thought". Or you can also tell when someone is really present and in the moment..
You know that feeling of being in the present..when you are smelling the freshly cut grass around you..noticing the nature..feeling the sunshine on the skin and just enjoying the moment. To me, that is beautiful. So how do we get there?
Some of the most effective ways that i have found are:
Exercise: Specifically HIIT (Hight intensity interval training)
Breathwork (Wim Hof Method) - we have this in the classroom
Ice baths and cold exposure.
Looking after my sleep
Conversations with friends
Eating a nutritious diet so that i am getting the nutrients for my brain, body and mind.
Getting a massage
Playing sports
Being in nature
So if you agree that these things are good.. then how do we actually do them and implement them into our lives so we can be more in the present and less anxious. That comes with creating habits and giving more energy to our wellness routine. We have to make a decision that we are going to make our Mental Health our top priority.
Nick Corliss
OCD is spending WAY to much time in the head..So we need to do things to get back in the body
Ocd Wellness Center
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