Okanagan Life
Private group
2 members
How many times have you thought I need a weekend to "relax" or "enjoy the sun" or "enjoy some family time"?
Does just the thought of everything that would need to get done before and after make you not even enjoy the moments you say you want the most?
How do we check the endless work tasks, mom tasks, wife tasks, stress of everything beyond our control? How do we just live to be present for ourselves and our families, while still shoulder the weight?
Inside you'll find you're not alone. You might meet some amazing people who are after the same things and learn some amazing tools that helped them find balance.
Bonus... I love food. If you share this love, find out how I managed to turn this joy for cooking into an outlet with the reward of bringing joy to those around me through food.
This community is dedicated to the pursuit of balance!
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Okanagan Life
Private group
Just a community sharing how they make their leisure time....actually leisurely. All the tips and trick, and maybe some amazing food too.. :)
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