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Cafe Circle is happening in 5 days
Welcome - Start here!
Welcome! Nihon Nexus Foundations is a community where people get ongoing help from me & my team to learn all the foundations of the Japanese language and culture. Here's what to do first: Step 1: Introduce yourself below with this copy/paste template: What's your nickname? Where are you from? Biggest strength? Biggest weakness? What do you do? What's your goal inside this community? What triggered you to sign up? (Was it an email, IG post, Skool post?) Step 2: Go through this introduction module😊! Best practices: 1) Have a profile photo. 2) Space out all your writings into single sentence paragraphs (like I'm doing here). 3) Welcome new members, make helpful posts, share your wins, and engage in the community to level up! Group Rules: 1) No Self Promotion 2) No Selling in the DM's 3) No Spamming the Community Feed
New comment 4d ago
Which Japanese custom is the hardest to understand?😅
Pick one!
8 members have voted
New comment Oct 8
Which Japanese custom is the hardest to understand?😅
About Page Changes
Hello everyone! We have decided to take the group in a new direction. Visit the About Page to learn more. If you have any questions DM us. Thank you and have a great weekend!☺️
New comment 5h ago
16 Personalities
Have you taken this test? This is in Japanese. You can choose your language, too. If you understand more than two, you’ve probably noticed how questions are asked differently in each one. Even translations can be a little tricky! 🤔 You might discover something new about yourself that you never noticed before! 🧠✨ Tell us in the comments! いろんな言語を知っていると、質問のされ方が違うことに気づいたことはない? 翻訳も微妙に違って、ちょっと難しい時もあるよね🤔 もしかしたら、今まで気づかなかった新しい自分を発見するかも!🧠✨ 診断結果はコメントで教えてね!
New comment 18h ago
16 Personalities
can i learn Japanese by watching anime or Japanese movie's ?
New comment 1d ago
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Nihon Nexus
Break into the Japanese Job Market – Speak and Work Like a Local with Our Guided Practice.
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