Night School
Private group
34 members
Welcome to Night School!
We all know sleep is important to our well-being, and yet so many of us don't make the most of the night time. We're leaving opportunities on the table for improving performance, boosting creativity, and enhancing our mental health.
Here at Night School we teach tools to not only get better numbers on our sleep trackers, and get all the great benefits sleep can offer, but also to use our night time experience to learn more about ourselves, making us more "whole" as humans.
Because sleep is an experience; there is this fascinating, bizarre, entertaining, enlightening, informative, insightful, provocative experience that happens to us each night called dreaming that can offer scientifically proven benefits in our waking life in the areas of creativity, problem-solving, mental health and emotional regulation. And all we need to do is pay attention - to be mindful - to the experience to start benefiting.
Come join us!
Night School
Teaching tools for the night time to enhance performance, creativity, and mental health.
Bringing mindful awareness into the night.
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