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Productivity Power Hour 💪 is happening in 5 days
Coffee 1/2 Hour Hangout
Morning team, feel free to come and join me for a coffee and chat for the next half hour. There's a link in the calendar tab, or at the top of the community page, and I'll be in the Zoom room until 9am 🙂
Monday affirmations
In moments of doubt or overwhelm, positive affirmations can be a powerful way to bring back clarity and confidence. Which of these affirmations resonates with you the most today? A: “I trust my ability to make the right decisions and create the life I desire. Every step I take brings me closer to clarity and confidence.” B: “I am grounded, capable, and resilient. I have the inner strength to overcome challenges and the focus to achieve my goals.” Wishing you all a magic Monday
New comment 18h ago
Leap of Faith: from boardroom to barking mad!!
Thank you Simon for the invite. Welcome to my world, where I traded the hustle of corporate life for the unpredictable adventures of business coaching and caring for five rescue dogs. After two decades of managing other people’s companies, I decided it was time to take a leap of faith and become my own boss. Now, I spend my days helping business owners achieve incredible things they never thought possible, while also trying to perfect my golf swing (still very much a work in progress). When I’m not helping other business owners do great things, you’ll find me breaking up canine quarrels or reminiscing about that one time I accidentally caused a chemical incident at a local leisure centre. If you want to know more let's have a 1:1
New comment 20h ago
Welcome to the Community! 🎉
It's great to have you here! To get to know each other better, please introduce yourself by sharing: 1. 3 things you want to get out of this group. What are you looking to learn, achieve, or explore? 2. 3 things you can contribute. What skills, knowledge, or experiences can you offer to support others? 3. 1 thing you’re proud of. Big or small, let’s celebrate your achievements! Looking forward to learning more about you and growing together! 🌟
New comment 20h ago
Welcome to the Community! 🎉
Hi Simon, hi everyone! Just a quick hello to say I've now joined and looking forward to learning more! Have an awesome Monday! Cheers! 😁👍
New comment 22h ago
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Clarity & Confidence Club
Unlock your potential and create a fulfilling life with our supportive community focused on growth, clarity, and confidence. It's time to thrive!
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