Homemade Mayo!
Most store bought mayonnaises use canola oil and/or soybean oil. NOT good for reducing inflammation. And do not get tricked into buying low-fat mayonnaise. It’s low fat because they water it down and then they re-thicken it (you’ll see it when you read the ingredient list 😉).
If you eat this often, it is best to make it yourself. BUT BEWARE! If you see recipes online, it will call for light olive oil. Never consume light olive oil. It is about 10% olive oil and 90% crap oils. Use this recipe below and use these oils.
This stuff is so easy and delicious. It makes about a cup and stays good in the fridge for about two weeks.
Add everything to a tall glass and whip with an immersion blender
  • 1 egg
  • 8 oz oil (see below)
  • 1 tsp Dijon mustard
  • 2 tsp lemon juice
  • Salt
Oil options
  • 5 oz extra virgin olive oil + 3 oz mct oil
  • 5 oz extra virgin olive oil + 3 oz liquid flavorless coconut oil
  • 4 oz extra virgin olive oil + 4 oz avocado oil
These are the combinations I have found that gives the best flavor.
Have you made your own mayo before? How did it go?
Jenna Hostetler
Homemade Mayo!
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