My Chiropractic Sweet Spot
Private group
127 members
$4,950 /year
A focused, collaborative and decentralised community of chiropractors and chiropractic assistants to improve our skills on keeping people in chiropractic care longer.
The tactic we employ is the six month repeatable "vortex" for gaining individual and community engagement beyond the chiropractic adjustment. The vortex is the bones of our content. Content training is brief since we use our vortex for community growth.
We employ radical inclusion of our chiropractic assistants. We build the vortex tools so that our Chiropractic assistants can distribute them within our community. CAs value a predictable rhythm in your office.
Apathy creep is real at every level of chiropractic care. If a person has had 20 or 200 adjustments, we acknowledge that apathy creep needs to be assumed, anticipated, mitigated and handled both on the individual as well as community level.
Non-hierachial and facilitated by Vismai.
My Chiropractic Sweet Spot
Keep people in chiropractic care by asumming and mitigating apathy creep in a timely manner.
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