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Presentation 😎
Hi everyone, let me introduce myself! I’m Vincent, I come from Ath and now living with my partner in La Louvière! My goal is to help artists live of their passions! I am building a collaboration-based system to make new artists and different businesses work together! My first achievement was to find a beautiful place where an artist could make a release party! By asking them to collaborate, I was able to find a free place to sing for the artist, and an huge potential income for the restaurant where the concert will take place! Thanks to Nina, who send me an amazing multi-cultural artist (Hello LysJoy!), I did my first action as an artist facilitator ! Thank you Nina for this opportunity 🙏 Let’s make this world a place full of art together! 🌍💜
Welcome everyone :D START HERE 📍
This FREE community helps musicpreneurs increase their income while growing their fanbase & recognition in the industry.. without depending on algorithms & viral trends! To make the most out of this community I recommend starting here to get a better vision of what this is all about ! 🤩 Here's just some of what you get inside this group: Free course modules from the MUSIC MAGNET BRAND. Live workshops with myself & music industry experts! Ask questions & get support from our team Done-With-You Brand & social media strategies ! 😍 DO THIS NOW : SKOOL APP to be aware of the new ressources & masterclasses with professionals from the industry as soon as they appear! You know you won't open mails, don't you? 2. INTRODUCE yourself to the community ! Make your first connexions ! ----- GROUND RULES FOR THE COMMUNITY : - no hate, discrimination or you're out in a second - no spamming with self-promotion (but you are of course allowed to share your wins and new releases!) - be here with an open mind & will to support the community
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N°1 FIRST ever professional network & promotion opportunity for musicpreneurs with real ambition to make an impact with their music!
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