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New comment May 28
Ear acupuncture
Hi dr Ali My question Is there any clinic in UK for ear treatment with acupuncture for tinnitus!?
New comment 4h ago
Managing Stress During Your MRCS OSCE Exam –My journey
Hey everyone, I wanted to share a little story about my journey preparing for the MRCS OSCE exam and how I managed to keep my stress in check. I hope it helps those of you in the same boat! A few months ago, I was feeling completely overwhelmed by the sheer amount of material I needed to cover for the MRCS OSCE. The idea of standing in front of examiners, demonstrating clinical skills, and answering questions felt like a mountain I wasn't sure I could climb. Then, I decided to break it down. I started by really understanding the exam structure. Knowing what to expect helped reduce a lot of my anxiety. I found out that the exam consists of various stations, each testing different skills. Once I had a clear picture, I felt a bit more in control. Next, I created a study schedule. I know it sounds clichΓ©, but it made a huge difference. I divided my study material into small, manageable chunks. Each day, I focused on a specific topic or skill. This not only made the workload seem lighter but also gave me a sense of accomplishment as I ticked off each completed task. I also began practicing with friends and mentors. We simulated OSCE scenarios, took turns being the 'examiner,' and gave each other feedback. These practice sessions were incredibly valuable. They not only improved my skills but also built my confidence. But it wasn't all about studying. I realized that taking care of my mental and physical health was just as important. I started incorporating mindfulness and relaxation techniques into my daily routine. Simple things like deep breathing exercises, progressive muscle relaxation, and visualizing calm places worked wonders for my stress levels. On top of that, I paid attention to my diet and exercise. Eating balanced meals and staying hydrated kept me energized. Regular exercise, even if it was just a short walk, helped clear my mind. And I made sure to get enough sleep – aiming for 7-8 hours each night. When exam day finally arrived, I made sure to arrive early. This gave me time to settle in and calm my nerves. I double-checked that I had everything I needed and reminded myself to stay positive. I focused on one station at a time, not dwelling on past performance.
New comment 4h ago
Urinary catheter
Dose urinary catheter need written consent?
New comment 5h ago
Be good Be the best of luck he best
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Medicoplasty OSCE
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