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Q&A is happening in 4 days
Offer UGC (User-Generated Content) When You Pitch Brands/Businesses or Tourism Boards!
Hi Mamas,💗 If you're a content creator or influencer, make sure you're offering images and short-form videos when you pitch your services.💰 💥Many times brands and businesses need social media content for their own channels just as much as they want a sponsored post to your page! 💥Are you offering UGC content when you pitch your services??
Offer UGC (User-Generated Content) When You Pitch Brands/Businesses or Tourism Boards!
Share your Cold Pitch Emails Here!
💗The first step to closing paid brand deals is to send that first pitch email! 💥Share your last email pitch or the template you use frequently to pitch brands and tourism boards. I'll provide feedback, but follow the template below so we can keep it easy for everyone to review quickly! 💰 This applies to DM's AND emails! This allows the best way for us and the community to coach your communications with brands and provide feedback. Copy and paste the template below into your post in the feed, under the category 'Pitches'. ******* Post Title: [📧 or 🗣 or ✅ or ❌] Brand or Resort Name / Type of Service (Influencer, UGC, or Whitelisting) / 1st Attempt or 2nd Attempt Pick an emoji for the state it's in. 📧 = Emailed and waiting, 🗣 = Negotiating, ✅ or ❌ = Deal Closed or Rejected <-- Delete this from the body of the post once it is pasted into the title. Subject Line of the Email: [paste here] Body of the Pitch: [Paste Here] Media Kit: Link to it if it is an Online Media Kit, or attach if it is a PDF. Signature: If different from the body of the pitch, please paste or attach if it is an image.
Complete action
New comment 4d ago
Share your Cold Pitch Emails Here!
Apply for Partnerships on these Platforms!
BIG Brands are hosting their infleucner campaigns on these platforms! Create a profile and apply! Later for Creators - Shopify for Collabs - Fohr - Mavely - Acorn -
New comment 4d ago
Apply for Partnerships on these Platforms!
Sahm intro
1. What is your name: is Madison (but everyone calls me) Maddie 2. How do we follow you: _maddielouu_ (insta) 3. What is your current business, business idea, or direction for stream of income at the moment: right now I’m in a process of building my empire one baby step at a time, im a sahm looking to help with extra income! 4. What would you LOVE to do: I would love to have more time for my kids to do things, make an extra income to help do that and pay bills! 5. What is your biggest challenge: finding the right spot to start at..
New comment 5d ago
Subject: Opportunity for UGC collaboration proposal Dear [Curology] team, My name is [Marbella Solis ] and I am a content creator and I love your brand. I have been following [Curology] for some time and its products and the positive impact it has on its community inspire me a lot. I am contacting you today because I am interested in exploring an opportunity to collaborate with [Curology] focused on user-generated content (UGC). I believe that by taking advantage of the authentic stories and experiences of your loyal customers, we can create attractive content that not only resonates with your audience but also attracts new customers to your brand. I am excited about the possibility of working together and contributing to the continued success of [Curology]. Let me know if you are interested in exploring this collaboration in more depth or if you have any questions. I am eager to analyze how we can partner to create impactful content that resonates in your audience. Thank you for considering this opportunity for collaboration. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Sirely, Marbella Solís (My contact information) (My social media links) (My portfolio)
New comment 5d ago
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