Male Mental Health Programme
Private group
10 members
When you enter, you'll get access to a community of like-minded men and all the resources you need to create a flourishing social life and become a happier, healthier you!
What you'll get inside:
🧘🏽‍♂️ Meditation and Journaling Course (Essential)
➕Beating Addiction Protocol (Life-changing)
💪🏽Complete Training and Nutrition Plan (You can't put a price on health)
👫Relationships Masterclass for Self, Family, Brotherhood, Women (if you want to half the life expectancy of any person but them in isolation)
🧑🏽‍💻Productivity & Accountability (Crucial)
🤝A brotherhood of men who are encouraged to help and push each other to improve. (Priceless)
📅7X Q&A Calls Per Week
✅ Bonuses - Foundations of business course, Communication lectures from one of our guests, Lectures from master networking businessman.
Lifetime free access for the first 20 guys!
⏰ The Price Is Going Up Soon to $25/month (Limited Spots Left)
Privacy and terms
Male Mental Health Programme
Supportive community that battles male loneliness and poor mental health!
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