Write something
Mindset Monday live Zoom Call is happening in 5 days
Play a game with me- You become what you are thinking of
Sometimes we need a little kick that takes us out of our ego, which wants to control so much in our live. Take the game and tap into your subconscious mind by asking yourself WHO AM I? Search for the answer by scrolling through the letters. Pick the 3 first that you see, consider to start at the botton of the pic as well😉,.. Please, share your results and how it resonates with you in the comments
Play a game with me- You become what you are thinking of
Share your mindset story. What are your experiences? Let‘s start the discussion
It‘s so great to have you here to grow our collectiv consciousness. Let‘s start to collect some points for the gamification levels.😉 Please share your greates story you have experienced so far in life, where you know this was because you had a shift in your awareness and consciousness
New comment Feb 5
Share your mindset story. What are your experiences? Let‘s start the discussion
How can we be grateful for the past, ..?
I know many of us are aware of the power of gratitude. Today a quote crossed my screen which I‘d love to hear your thoughts about. „Being grateful for the past, helps us enjoy the present“ What do you think about this? Remember we are a commUNITY like my mentor likes to say. There is no wrong or right - it just is. So feel free to share your thoughts and advices. You might be experienced in this? Love to hear from you with gratitude Corinne
Daily Mindset: Let go of what you don‘t want, instead do this,..
We are so tight to talk about what we don‘t want. How hard everything is going, what s* is happening all day long. What if you turn this around? I learnt to focus on what I DO want. Do you have any suggestions how to become better in that? Love to see your comments
Your Daily Mindset
Hello and welcome Great to have you here, where we can create a positive community in a supportive environment. I'm here to grow my awareness and share my ongoing journey. Feel free to join me in my growth, my failure and my success and at the end I'm sure - it happens that we grow together. I am a teacher, coach, mentor yes -but first and always I'm a student. Put a 💫 in the comments if you agree that improving your mindset is powerful.
Your Daily Mindset
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Mindset 2 Success
Get into a Mindset of non-resitence to create the Business you desire and the income you deserve.
Here to help you grow into feminine energy
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