Black Sheep Rising
Private group
2 members
The ones called black sheeps, underdogs, who haven't accepted the role. Who haven't fell for the okie-doke. Oh no, we have educated ourselves, we have grown, we have skill stacked and carved out fulfilling lives for ourselves; spiritually, emotionally financially, creatively and physically.
If you can resonate with any of that then stick around.
There will be courses added monthly.
There will be monthly challenges to get you motivated and going.
Friend, if improving is what you're after, you will find the encouragement here.
Ok, so now that we've established that you're in the right place,
​Stand, or sit, up straight.
Take a deep breath.
Relax your scalp.
Relax your face.
Relax your shoulders.
Now let's began ;)
Black Sheep Rising
Skill-stack & level up with our courses.
Learn how to get what you want out of life.
Master yourself.
Do it now.
Your best life us waiting.
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