🧠/💪WELCOME! Please introduce yourself :)
I want everyone to start off on the right foot here, after all first impressions are very important. Let us know...
  1. Who are you, your passion in life, where are you from?
  2. What do you want to get out of being in this community
  3. Hobbies? What do you do for fun?
  4. Drop a photo of yourself doing something you love
Ill go first..
  1. My name is Daniel Jacobsen, I am the oldest of 5 siblings (all boys), I love my family and my passion in life is to serve others using the psychological skills I have learned. I am from/currently in Utah and have lived in California, Texas, Ohio, Maryland, and Florida.
2. I want to level up and continue to grow in every aspect of my life; physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. I also want to serve this tribe and help everyone accomplish their personal goals.
3. For fun I love being outdoors fishing, camping, climbing, skiing, hiking, and I love sports/ competition and studying performance psychology as to what makes a champion a champion.
4. This is me working out, I love the gym!
Now its your turn!! So excited to get to know all you 😆
Daniel Jacobsen
🧠/💪WELCOME! Please introduce yourself :)
MindFit Tribe (FREE)
Deep dive into the psychology behind mastery of the physical body, the mind, and the spirit in a lifelong pursuit towards achieving self-actualization
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