Million Dollar Coach
Private group
323 members
FREE at the moment so enter before it switches to PAID ✌🏽
Get instant access to 'The Automated Community Funnel' deep dive training when you join.
This community is designed to help more coaches build a lifestyle coaching business.
πŸ”₯ Get more leads
πŸ”₯ Book more calls
πŸ”₯ Sign more high ticket clients
... without surrendering your soul to your business
... so you constantly add more recurring income to your life.
If you want to get visible AF, so your DM's are full of dream clients every day.
The 'Automated Community Funnel' is the best client acquisition strategy I have seen since I started coaching in 2020. Predictably sign 3-5 high ticket clients a month using this a simple ads + community funnel strategy.
I have two rules for this community:
πŸ”₯ To make making money super easy for you
πŸ”₯ To deliver insane value for money at all times from me
Follow me on IG: @ryankluke84 πŸ‘ŠπŸ½
Million Dollar Coach
Million Dollar Coach is a community for coaches who want to scale past $50K MRR with a lifestyle coaching biz.
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