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Job Board Rules - (IMPORTANT: Read Before Posting)
Welcome to the Job Posting Board! Whether you're offering your services or looking to hire, this is the space to do so. Please follow the rules below as this helps the team and the community. 1. Post Titles: Begin your post title with "FOR HIRE" if you are offering your services, or "HIRING" if you are looking to employ someone. This makes it easier for everyone to quickly identify relevant posts. 2. Post Content: Your post must include a clear and comprehensive description of the services you offer or the skills you are seeking. Vague or incomplete posts that fail to clearly articulate the services being provided or sought after will be removed to ensure clarity and efficiency in our community. 3. Strictly No Business Promotions: This board is exclusively for individual freelancers and those seeking to hire them. Posts promoting businesses, products, or anything outside individual freelancing services are not permitted and will result in an immediate ban from the community. By following these rules, we can create a seamless and effective platform for job opportunities.
Welcome to Osiris Academy - Must Read 👇
Welcome to Osiris Academy, guided by Mike Rashid, where we dive deep into using AI to innovate and generate online revenue. This community is your new arena to learn, share, and grow in the realms of fitness, masculinity, making money online, and AI technology. In Our Community, You Can: - 🙋‍♂️ Ask Questions: Seek advice and share knowledge to navigate your entrepreneurial journey. - 🎉 Celebrate Wins: Every success story, big or small, deserves recognition. Share yours! - 🤝 Network: Forge valuable connections that can lead to collaboration and growth. - 🧳 Job Board and Resources: Find opportunities to collaborate or access a wealth of free resources to aid your progress. Community Expectations: - 🚫 No Selling or Funneling: Respect the space. Promotional activities are off-limits and will result in a ban. - 🚫 Quality Content Only: We aim for high-quality discussions. Poorly written posts will be removed. Please proofread before posting. - ✅ Support and Engagement: Help foster a supportive environment by engaging with and supporting fellow members. Incentives: Engage actively and contribute quality content, and you might be rewarded with: - Collaboration opportunities with Mike and his AI team. 🤝 - Free coaching calls to help you navigate your AI journey. 👩🏻‍💻 - Exclusive access to tools and templates. 📂 Stay Connected: To stay updated and make the most out of our community, we recommend staying engaged through our various channels and resources. We're excited to see you grow and succeed in Osiris Academy. Here's to breaking new ground together! Best, Mike
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Mike Rashid: Osiris Academy
The courses, network, and live support you need to start making money with AI. Taught by Mike Rashid and his team of AI experts.
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