Hi there,
I am running notebook "nb_load_stage_Customer" from lakehouse "Customer_LH"(silver Workspace) which is reading data from files directory that is located in bronze_WS & same lakehouse). Further it loads data to stage delta table (Silver_worspace.Customer_LH/Tables/Schema_Customer/tbl_Stage_Customer)
when I execute it from the notebook cell it works fine, but as soon as I trigger it from Pipeline "pl_customer_stg_load" (which sits in silver WS ) it fails throwing below error:
"error": {
"code": "Unauthorized",
"message": "Authentication Failed with Bearer token is not present in the request"
PS: Pipeline parameters and values are perfectly fine.
My initial finding are related to the bearer token authentication is not passed between the two workspaces. Fabric has trouble reading the data from bronze workspace. I think there is a need to set up Managed Identity/SP for cross workspace authentication. Need help!
Thank you!