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This is a place to think outside of the box. To get real curious about how some individuals are taking up more flexibility, and what that could mean for you. ✈️ After 1.5 years of nomading, it went to show that there are simply more modes to existing than one I placed on myself pre-pandemic. Blessed with this opportunity, I hope it can give people some insight. 🌻 My goal with this group is to bring that feeling of expansion. If you are looking for that, welcome! 🥳 Here's how to use this group to your advantage: - Click "Join Group" and start participating. Introduce yourself and i will say hi back. - Watch this video: Some of you are watching me start this after knowing me for 5+ years, others for 5 minutes. That's pretty awesome. Hope this adds an interesting layer to our knowing-eachotherness. Peace! 🕊️ ======= 🙁 Don't behave rudely, spam or post anything untasteful in this group. You may network and have genuine conversations. Just no scams, untasteful promoting, violence, abusive language or rudeness please. You'll be warned, striked, and booted for repeat behaviour 🥾 👋
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Digital nomad job ideas
To get you into a brainstorm mode, if you're strapped!
Warm welcomes 💻👋
Welcome remote curious people 👋 Share a little about yourself, why you might be looking to go remote, or if you're simply looking to connect with like minded people. I'll go first: 1. My name's Michelle, and I grew up in Sydney Australia. 2. I'm self employed. It's been working out well so far. 3. Nomading is fun! Though my recent preference has been slower travel in places for over 6 months 4. I'm trying to build an additional source of online income (through an online business, experimenting with this platform!) 5. I've recently dived into coaching, and am loving the skills 6. I used to believe a satisfying life was super far out of reach. I've since proved myself wrong. 7. If you join my community, you will continue to grow alongside me and others Watch this to learn about more about my backstory + how landed my remote job, I made this video about it: My instagram is @michisanywhere :)
New comment Apr 6
Non-remote income ideas you can still travel with (Growing list)
🌏💻 Why stop @ just a remote opportunity? Like I say you can exist in more modes 👯 🛥️ Working in the Yachting industry. To get in requires some networking. Join online forums and social media groups dedicated to yachting. I'd search keywords like "yacht life" on instagram to see what comes up. 📚 Teaching english abroad (and more): I've thought about using this company myself for the support and convenience. It's what I'd suggest to people who are interested in location bound work + travel and want to find a reliable comapny to do it through 👨‍🌾 Get hosted by locals while you help with community projects OK this one is hybrid. You can do this with a remote job, or without one if you're trying to travel on a budget + flexible on travel dates. Get lucky and you could land a gig looking after alpacas in New Zealand, tending a garden by Sicily, Italy Cuddling dogs, house sitting for a week, or pet sitting horses on a farm stay in exchange for a stay + a change of scenery. 🛏️ Working in hostels in exchange for accomodation As a way to remain close to travel hubs, meeting people, and as strategic tourist locations, known for their high cost of living🇨🇭🏔️.
What remote income ideas have you come past, that made you think "oh yeah that makes sense.." but you ended up sucking at? Why?
I'll go first. E-commerce + finding winning products 😅 Why? Convoluted thinking that produced the wrong mindset + impatience. "If I find what I think is good (because I know what people are thinking, all day every day), then I can make bank, then I can live a dream, then life will be good." I could spot a trend, but results and betting on being "right" about what people wanted and needed were way off. Anyway, if I were to do it all again with the knowledge I had today, it'd be to throw as many tests and not to get too attached to the results. Do you have an experience like this?
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