Feedback on my understanding of the influences process.
Hi guys and .
I have mostly been working in the flow state since I started watching the 10 day challenge videos, I has been great. But I have now decided to take the full workflow for a spin, to see how it can make me evolve. I am at the first step before going to calibrate. So I am now sharing a list I made with 10 tracks and some notes for each. But am I understanding the instructions right, I know it is all about starting to think about what I am going to make before I start creating, and if that is the result, then it does not really matter if I am doing it right in regards to the workflow. But would be nice to see if I understood the instructions right and made a list that will work for the workflow. English is not my native language, so there could be some misunderstandings from my side. All the best.
Henrik Christensen
Feedback on my understanding of the influences process.
Meta Mind Music
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