So, I took my previous song deleted all the parts and now I've got this already familiar template now and it's so easy to find new inspiration. I'm already totally stoked on this new track, and I love how it will most likely have a cohesive sound with track 1. To build a real body of work is important to me.
Thanks to Alex for gathering us here and everyone for their support! I can't believe it's happening, I almost feel too happy and it makes me a little nervous cuz then I have something to lose.
I'm breaking all the rules of the system, but the core ideas are there, and I really like what is happening.
Also guys you MUST start writing your morning pages, it might just change your life, in the strangest of ways even not musically, I don't know what's happening, but everything really popped off when I started doing it for almost a month now. I would incorporate it in the system if it were my system, it's so important imho. Try it for a month, every single day as soon as you awaken (google for details "morning pages") if you don't feel any different post back here and tell me I'm crazy but I'm sure that won't happen.
It seems that guitar, acoustic guitar in particular really inspires the hell out of me, in my past era of trying to make music I didn't do anything physical besides "play" the keys and draw/program but now that I'm using guitar its a total game changer.
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