When is the best time to wake up?
In the world of Entrepreneurship, there is a hustle culture where guys seemingly want to outcompete each other based on how early they're waking up. And to be fair, a lot of the most successful entrepreneurs report waking up extremely early. So much so, Robin Sharma even wrote an entire book called 'The 5 AM Club'.
Perhaps they get a lot of deep work done without any distractions when the rest of the people around them are fast asleep.
In contrast, in the world of high status networking and event hosting, the work takes place at night! (Perfect for a night owl like myself)
In the same vain as a particular choice of diet, any lifestyle change that is going to be beneficial, is the one that a person can be most CONSISTENT with.
There's no point saying 'I'm gonna wake up at 3am every day' when I can realistically only do that once or twice a week.
I guess the answer depends on 'How are you SPENDING your waking hours?'
So long as a person gets the work done and takes action - who cares WHEN that happens?
But where is the overlap between the two ends of the spectrum where you have all these entrepreneurs waking up anywhere between 3 am - 6 am, and us guys in MOA who wanna leverage a social lifestyle thus necessitating a very contrasting sleep schedule?
Arun Nahar
When is the best time to wake up?
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