The 30-Day Friendzone Challenge
After Vegas Immersion, we send guys home with a challenge – “For the next 30 days, ‘friendzone’ EVERY girl you meet.”
Doesn’t matter how hot she is – EVERY girl goes into the friendzone for the next 30 days. Don’t make a move, don’t escalate. Just be friends. Just be NORMAL.
This can help you in several ways …
  1. It takes the pressure off. You can cold approach with MUCH more ease. After all, you’re not trying to “pull” or get laid — you’re just making friends! No need for cheesy lines or PUA gambits. A “win” is to collect their Instagram. Easy.
  1. It gets you started with building PRESELECTION — surrounding yourself with amazing women, the building blocks of a high-status social circle, which leads to more status, more dates, more opportunities.
You don’t have to go to Vegas Immersion — anyone can set this challenge for themselves. Who wants to take up the challenge?
Grant Jordan
The 30-Day Friendzone Challenge
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