Telescope 馃敪 Microscope 馃敩= Goals
Hey friends. I wanted to share a post I wrote for a different group for a challenge I am doing. It's 75 days challenge of working out, nutrition, dream creation and more. It's called the Aspinall75. Similar to the 75HARD if you ever heard of it. Let me know what you think.
A few days ago I've posted about the importance of developing your motivation and commitment.
Matter of fact, my friend Tom Aspinall (UFC Heavyweight Champion) mentioned part of it this morning about using vision to see what you will look like and feel like.
I wanted to share a strategy that will further help us with this.
The issue with setting goals is that they tend to stretch out. They are way too far into the future. The issue that a) we can't see 馃檲 it and b) they can overwhelm us because there is just too much to do! This leads us to burn out and giving up too early in the game.
The key is to break these days to smaller steps, connecting "someday" to TODAY.
This is where telescope 馃敪, microscope 馃敩 and reverse engineering comes in.
Telescope 馃敪 goals are everything you want to accomplish. Write it out. Verbalize it. Plan it.
They can be 90 days, six months out, one year etc.
Do it.
Once you do that, you reverse engineer it. You work backwards. You take those steps and you put it under the microscope 馃敩 with goals that you can do TODAY.
I love to cook. I see such a cool dish at a restaurant or TV and I want to replicate it.
That dish is the telescope goal. I then look at it. Figure out the various ingredients in it and break it down to workable actions - that's the microscope goals. Then I go to the store, buy, prep etc.
To make it practical for us here.
We got the Aspinall75. Some of us are already on Day 11 as of this post. While it's reachable, it may be a bit far out for some. I know for me saying no sugar for 75 days sound insane!
Instead, I break it down for today. For the week. And I plan myself how I will respond by certain gatherings etc.
I hope this was helpful.
Now, let's go get it!
Bring out that telescope 馃敪.
Work backwards and put it under the microscope 馃敩.
And then do something today that will develop you into that champion 馃弳.
Roey Naim
Telescope 馃敪 Microscope 馃敩= Goals
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