Apr '24 (edited) in 🙌 Introduction
New Member Introduction from Vegas
Apologies for this being a little lengthy but I figured It was wise to get detailed so others that might want to get into or are into the health kick and join the gym and work out and build a social circle would hit me up. Also i'm just super excited feel like I won the lottery and I am on a high from all this. It's 2:00 a.m. in the morning and the caffeine buzz is wearing off. 😂 I live in my home town (graduated from high school here) of Viva Las Vegas ✌️ so if your in the Vegas area and would like to connect and work together on improving our social circle! hit me up.
I fell in love with this group for three reasons 1. It reminds me of Napoleon hills chapter in his book "Think and Grow Rick called the "Master Mind" group. "The “Master Mind” may be defined as: “Coordination of knowledge and effort, in a spirit of harmony, between two or more people, for the attainment of a definite purpose.” 2. The situation and timing of how this crossed my path. 3. Had a dream last week where I meet Mystery and Owen Cook (couple old school dating coaches) and they told me a few things , one was they were going to help me out and bring something across my path. When I seen the video on this platform of Owen interviewing Michael my jaw dropped to the floor and give me goosebumps and that's when I knew that joining this community was my destiny.
Background: Raised in old school days of PUA back from 2004-2018. Lived in Philippines (was the RSD inner circle leader for the Philippines for years) for nearly a decade and had an amazing social circle there (I was the infield cameraman filming a guy's approaches for years).
I've been out of the loop for a lot of years and just been spending my time with family and old friends and working as a butler. For a while I've been wanting to rebuild my inner circle & social circle to where it once was at years ago. I want to get back to having an amazing life style like I used to.
I just got accepted into a school to become a certified clinical sexuality coach.
I own a sexology Educational Film company in Vegas. Specializing in sexology topics such as kegels for women (kegelmaster), pelvic massage, vaginal massage therapy and knot assessment & removal, and the G-Spot ejaculation.
I could have went to school or I could have studied anything else or started up any other kind of business years ago. But I truly feel this is my calling and how I can give back to humanity for what it's given me. I'm extremely passionate about my business because I love seeing peoples lives changed in an amazing way real fast. Whether it's teaching someone how to make any woman squirt to get the woman of his dreams or keep the woman of his dreams or teaching an amazing wife and mother who can rekindle and revitalize her relationship with her husband by strengthening those PC muscles to make it tighter than they were when they first got married and to be a squirter 💦 😀,it's an amazing feeling that I can't put into words, to get a call from a student that tells me him and his wife fell back in love again for the first time in years and he's leaving his mistress (it's a dangerous business putting mistresses out of business 😜 but somebody's got to do the dirty work 😆).
I was in a wheelchair for a while due to a car accident, then crutches, then had to go through bone lengthening surgery for my femor, etc. I got out of shape (40lbs) and I'm hitting the gym now four times a week, started ordering organic butcher block meat , organic foods, and vegetables. Seeing a naturopath doctor in town also. I'm taking back control of my health. I work graveyards 11:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m.. I'm off Sunday night Monday nights. When I get off work at 7:00 a.m. I go to the gym by 7: 45 I live near the college of Southern Nevada North Las Vegas. Looking for someone that wants to keep each other accountable to go into the gym. Also looking to expand my recipes. I miss the sport of bodybuilding. I'm open to joining other gyms too for the right wing man.
Super excited about building my future self with all you guys. Michael giving me an amazing first impression not just what he said on the call that I jumped on today with but with the videos I seen and the people that were interviewing him. It's truly an honor to meet one of the greats and be a part of this group. It's like a meeting the Leonardo da Vinci of social circle game. I am ruly humbled and truly thankful for this opportunity. I'm super glad that my higher power brought this across my path. Such impeccable timing....
Thank you guys and God bless.
Warm Regards,
John Hill IV
IG: Johnhill4th
"Again I would love to connect and all of us soar! "
Love this quote
John Hill
New Member Introduction from Vegas
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