Hypothesis: There are three types of Freedom (Relative to High Status)
I've realized in meeting people and traveling that there are 3 types of Freedom.
  1. Freedom to BE wherever you want
I was at a day party and everyone has good jobs, a few doctors, dentists, government workers. As a remote worker in tech, I stayed in Brazil for 1 month, my company didn't care, and I plan to travel a lot more. However Dentists, in office workers, and governments workers don't have this luxury.
I can make 100k and spend it in Colombia for 3 months and work, for others they can maybe take 1-2 weeks of vacation but all that money has to be spend in the currency they made it in.
2. Freedom to BUY Whatever you want
This explains itself, Money gives you the freedom to buy whatever you want essentially, experiences, cars, drugs anything
3 . Freedom to DO whatever you want
This is a tough one, some of the wealthiest people don't have the option to do whatever they want. Some people are in marriages they hate and can't leave cause of the kids but are worth millions. Some people are enslaved by the responsibilities of their lives. Now if it's something you want to do sure. But how many are literally forced to do this they would rather not do..that is a large portion of society. Don't get me wrong responsibility is good and we all have things we must do even if we don't want to but there is Freedom in choice.
In Conclusion I do think 1 of these three can show status.. I'd rather be a mobile nomad making 60k USD than a Neurosurgeon confined to a city but making 800k USD. But I might not have the freedom to BUY whatever I want.
Just a thought, any feedback?
• Sep '24
The ultimate goal should be to have all 3 and there's plenty of ways to accomplish that within reason.
Instead of chosing between 60k and remote vs 800k and can't be remote.
Can make $100-$200k a year remote and work part time.
Can build a business, hire people to do the work and then you got freedom.
Can build and sell a business or saas etc.
Now it's not easy to accomplish all 3 but it's doable.
If you haven't read e myth revisited or run like clockwork would start with those books.
Also I think if you're going for status you'll get more making money than being remote.
But you'll actually get more status being a cool social guy vs having money or remote freedom so there's that
Getting a remote job is easy. Getting access to scarce resources is much harder. Money helps a little but won't compensate bad social skills.
If you're going for volume of girls you'll get more being a passport bro which in that case just go teach English in se Asia.
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• Sep '24
I think it all depends on what you are optimizing for. Being young and able to travel, work, and have your money go a lot further in a foreign country is worth it.
As long as you're intentional with your time to build skills and develop into the person you want to be.
You might not have it all at once, it will take time and makes a great stories as you continue pusuit them.
• Sep '24
All are important and relate to money.
• Sep '24
the first one doesn’t really, there are people that backpack through countries with little to nothing or volunteer… they have less money than doctors but more freedom to move around
• Sep '24
True money is important also the concept of helping solve problems and let money be a scoreboard.
• Sep '24
you will never have the freedom to buy whatever you want. There is always going to be a more expensive plane, or yatch.
You should decide what you want and go for it.
For me it's freedom, so 1 and 3.
As you as you buy a plane, you will see your friend and a bigger one, and you have to work more to get it, if you don't have a goal it's a never ending cycle
Make enough passive income to be able to do all 3. I was just listening to a podcast about switching from a worker mindset and owner mindset. That has completely changed my approach towards ways of making money.
• Sep '24
I choose #3. If done properly, it's possible to achieve 1 and 2
These are myopic truisms.
Before I get into anything else, yes of course everyone desires all these things. But you can never have it all. There is no "Freedom to do whatever you want." Even business owners are beholden to customers, but now they are both soldier and general. Few are capable of filling both roles.
The neurosurgeon confined to a city never cared about the money or being confined to a city more than they were driven to be the best there is at what they do.
"mobile nomad," "remote worker in tech." . . . These are internet words, not meant to be taken seriously. If I met someone and they told me this was their job I'd assume they didn't have a job, or were lying about something. It's "Going to college to find myself" by another name, for old people. It's unserious and lacks conviction and direction.
• Sep '24
I would double down on this considering that there are other elements to freedom that are mainly independent of money. I clearly think about a professor/researcher/professional in a specific field that you would like to meet with. Dr. David Buss just as an example isn't just available whenever you want to meet him on any time table any where you want. That's not a money problem there are other factors in this.
Further, in complete agreement on the idea that someone may desire all things. When you live in reality you have a limited amount of time to explore what you are going you can't have it all. I would also be highly skeptical of someone's work if they told me that they were a "digital nomad" or some other placeholder term.
Also, insightful comment on the post.
• Sep '24
I have a question on the third point "Freedom to DO whatever you want"
What are laws for?
• Sep '24
Good points it’s a double edge sword… you can do good things.. you can take risks against laws too… there’s an underworld of criminals that don’t get caught… you are free but never free from consequences
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Hypothesis: There are three types of Freedom (Relative to High Status)
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