Flirting with women while "treating them all the same".
I am starting to make more female friends (thanks MOA), and I have come across situations where I stop myself from falling into some bad habits of "showing intent". I was wondering, how does one still flirt (if at all) while "treating them all the same"?
I'd think that flirting breaks the "treat them all the same" idea since that isn't something id do with my guy friends. So would the idea be that flirting should really only happen after she has clearly shown interest? Or is it that flirting becomes unnecessary once your local-status is high enough? Maybe there is another viewpoint i'm not considering.
I wouldn't want to shoot myself in the foot by falling into old habits. I'm growing fond of the circles i'm cultivating, so i'd would rather not be incongruent in my actions.
Thanks Fellas!
Carnegie C
Flirting with women while "treating them all the same".
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