Doing the right thing is priceless
Ethics and Integrity is pretty much the same as setting standards.
I had a client this morning and wanted a 2nd Financial Opinion to make sure there was no hidden gaps in this finance portfolio.
We went through what he has and I told him straight up:
"You've got a great financial blueprint, there's nothing to change. Leave as it is and we can always a review next year.
Sales across many industries get bad reputations because we get commissions or get paid for a living.
DOING THE RIGHT THING gives you higher status and my client recognized that. A father married with 3 kids. On the zoom you can tell he felt "peace of mind."
He also was fully aware of my story with my brain surgery and not having coverage with critical illness even to this day. Client's connect as to why you're doing this.
Long story short, we got 8 referrals within his circle who may need possible outside help.
There was no money made here and the value was shown/created.
Let's change lives here, one day at a time!
Alessandro Canzian
Doing the right thing is priceless
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